At the same time as working to increase production and earn more money, inland fishing communities face a range of other challenges including inadequate nutrition and limited knowledge about basic preventative health care. ADPP’s community development project aims to organise and work with communities to tackle such challenges.
Meetings, training sessions, field visits and practical actions have helped fill the agenda across the implementation area during the month of August.
Malanje Municipal Director for Social Communication and Traditional Affairs led a meeting at the municipal administration with Quessua Chikama production group; three production groups from the Kodiva Kota cooperative in the community of Casteves took part in a technical meeting on the finalization of the outlet system from water tanks and to discuss organizational aspects and internal management of activities; the project met with Quimonha production group where one of the principal items on the agenda was an updating of the remaining documents that were required to proceed with the process of gaining legal status as a cooperative.
Refresher training is key to keeping Community Health Agents up to date with developments, whether changes in the status of the Covid-19 pandemic, in general healthcare, or in the community itself. This month’s meeting was held, as usual, in the open air at ADPP’s office in Malanje, in accordance with measures that reduce the risk of spreading the virus.
Field visits continued during the month to evaluate community infrastructures that form part of the project. National Coordination Assistant Marcial Passile saw for himself the progress being made in constructing latrines in the villages to eliminate the practice of open air defecation that is linked to the spread of preventable diseases.
Practical actions included the beginning of work on a community hut that will serve the people living in Quizanga da Barraca as a meeting place and whatever other purpose is required.
Key actions at the heart of the project continued unabated. For example, Binzale cooperative’s community vegetable garden was in full production this month, supplying nutritious produce for own consumption and for sale.
Technical meeting with with Quessua Chikama production group on the finalization of the outlet system from water tanks
Meeting with the Quimonha production group on the final documents needed to legalise their co-operative.
Binzale cooperative’s community vegetable garden
Meeting with the Municipal Director of Social Communication and Traditional Affairs
Staff meetings take place outside as part of a package of measure to reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19.
Field visits were conducted to monitor latrines construction in the villages
The construction of the community hut in Quizanga da Barraca
The community hut will be used for meetings, working groups and other events.
Community members hope to finish the space in September