ADPP ANGOLA, currently operates 82
projects in 64 municipalities in 17 provinces reaching 1,300,000 people.



ADPP (Ajuda de Desenvolivmento de Povo para Povo) stands for Development Aid from People to People. ADPP Angola works in the fields of education, health, agriculture and environment, and integrated community development. All activities are built on three pillars:

  • A community-based perspective that empowers individuals, families, and communities to make positive changes in their own lives
  • Close working partnerships with local, provincial and national government to promote sustainable development
  • An integrated approach that links activities in education, health, agriculture and environment, and community development for maximum impact.

ADPP works closely with authorities and institutions at all levels, from state ministries to local leaders, from hospitals to rural schools.

ADPP also collaborates with other NGOs and community-based organizations to coordinate efforts and increase effectiveness.

Headed by a Board of Directors elected at the general assembly, all ADPP projects and


  • To promote solidarity between people
  • To promote the economic and social development of Angola
  • To promote a better life for the underprivileged and those most
    in need


  • ADPP seeks to support people in developing the vision and capacity to contribute to development, for themselves, their communities, and
    the nation.


header education

In 2020 we were awarded the SGS Benchmarking Certification for NGOs after an external audit of our conformity with best practices in governance. The certification was renewed in early 2024 by NGB.



We show solidarity in advancing the vision of ADPP Angola for the well-being of all


We act consistently with our mission, are honest and transparent in what we do and say, and accept responsibility for our collective and individual actions.


We work together effectively to serve the wider community.


We constantly challenge ourselves to higher levels of performance and learning to achieve greater impact.


We are steadfast in pursuing the vision of the organization no matter how challenging it is or how long it takes to reach the goal.


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humana people to people logo


HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE spans the globe through 29 independent national member associations committed to tackling some of the world’s major humanitarian, social and environmental challenges.

HPPI  World Map

The Federation Humana People to People was formally established in 1996. It supports members delivering critical on-the-ground programmes across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America.

We are all committed to the same agenda: protecting the planet, building communities and supporting people by connecting them with others, unleashing their potential for positive change and action.

At our heart is a set of principles on how to create development and to raise funds for it. This ethos is shared by the countless partners, national and international, who have supported – and continue to support – our work over the years.

Our activities are aligned with the UN 2030 Agenda. Working side by side with people in their communities and with our numerous partners, we support countries as they strive to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, creating lasting positive change in the process.

CONTACT USall projects 2020 front page 600x571

ADPP Angola
Rua João de Barros 28
Luanda CP 345

Phone: +244 912 31 08 60

Queries related to the website:


Opportunities: vacancies, tenders, consultancies


 ADPP Angola is inviting suitably qualified and experienced persons to be contracted as consultants, experts in identifying solutions for water supply systems

Click here for more information


Almost all our vacancies are published in Portuguese, please refer to the Portuguese language page vacancies.