Members of the Farmer Clubs in Luanda are busy strengthening supply chain links. Vegetable harvests are good this year and in addition to producing for consumption, the farmers are busy with sales. They recently delivered 16 boxes of tomatoes for sale at a supermarket in Kilamba, and two club presidents had meetings with an agricultural buyer with a view to selling more produce. 

Mr Valter Matias, a buyer of agricultural products, meeting with two Club presidents.

Mr Valter Matias, a buyer of agricultural products, meeting with two Club presidents.

Green peppers are growing well.

Green peppers are growing well.

One of the 16 crates of tomatoes delivered to a supermarket for sale.

One of the 16 crates of tomatoes delivered to a supermarket for sale.

  • Mr Valter Matias, a buyer of agricultural products, meeting with two Club presidents.

  • Mr Valter Matias, a buyer of agricultural products, meeting with two Club presidents.
  • Green peppers are growing well.
  • One of the 16 crates of tomatoes delivered to a supermarket for sale.