JICA, the Japanese International Agency for Cooperation in Angola, attached to the Japanese embassy, invited participants in the Updating Course on Education and Initial Training of Primary School Teachers - Japan's knowledge co-creation program, held from 17 August to 19 September.
The training that took place through the Faculty of Education at Hirosaki University was conducted with Modules on:
• The history of education in Japan and its system today
• Teacher Teacher Training (Initial and Continuing) in Japan
• Special education in the approach to inclusive education
• Career Management for Teachers
• Management of school centers
• Experiences from participating countries
At the end of the course, a network was established of participants who will take on thhe responsibility of implementation of the action plans presented here.
In this context, upon arriving in Angola, Walter Alexandre held a presentation organized by the INFQ with the aim of sharing such experiences based on initial and continuing training of primary school teachers. All the teaching schools in the country participated, in addition to technicians from INFQ, MED and a guest from JICA Angola.
At the moment, in Cuando Cubango, Missombo commune, arrangements are being made for the implementation of the action plan that will translate into working in a primary school with the intention of suggesting a different daily dynamic for both pupils and teachers, such as, for example, entering the 8 am and leave at 4 pm with a program full of activities that captivate children.