A lot has happened in the past month in our project to increase access to water in Cunene, part of the Strengthening of Resilience and Food and Nutritional Security in Angola (FRESAN) programme.

Training local Water and Sanitation Groups, as above, promotes local ownership and future sustainability of the project. Members of Water and Sanitation Groups also received kits to help them in their work.

Well-building and youth employment go hand in hand at the project. The Water Brigades, composed of young people from the participatoing communities, help construct wells, water tanks and water systems, as here in Canuno in Oncocua.

Refurbished wells save lives. They also save precious time and effort. Four trucks brought material to improve a total of 12 wells, two going to Naulila and two to Ombala-yo-Mungu. 12 communities will soon have safe drinking water and shorter distances to fetch it.