Education and Inclusion


This week is global “Education and Inclusion” week, which is also being celebrated in Angola as part of the Education for All campaign.


ADPP has always worked to provide education for vulnerable people: from running street children’s schools during the war, to providing solid academic and technical education in rural areas, ADPP has been privileged to provide education for young people without other opportunities.


The Schools for the Teachers of the Future have been working to increase the number of female trainee teachers and 5 schools already have 50% female enrolment. The schools have also always been open for people with disabilities.


As part of the Education and Inclusion week in April 2014, ADPP is hosting a seminar “Juntos Somos Mais” on the integration and inclusion of people with disabilities. Financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Finland, UFF Finland and the Finnish organization “Finnish Disability and Development Partnership”, the two day seminar is being held at the ADPP Courses and Conferences Center in Ramrio. 20 ADPP key staff are taking part in the seminar, spanning the range of ADPP project types, from teacher training and schools for young people, to community projects and Farmers’ Clubs as well as national staff. During the seminar, they will look at what a disability is, why and how to integrate people with disabilities into activities, and specifically how this can be done in the Farmers’ Club project in Kunene. 


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