Family Farmers in Kunene on the road to food security


Three years on and more than 1,000 small farmers in Kunene Province have seen many changes in and around their smallholdings. Wells have been dug, rope pumps produced and installed, model fields established, living fences planted, firewood saving stoves constructed, latrines built and agricultural training sessions held for all 20 Clubs and their Committees. All this is thanks to the Farmers’ Club Project, initiated in 2011 with financial support from the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and UFF Finland, and implemented by ADPP Angola.


Even the severe drought that forced many farmers to seek alternative sources of income for themselves and their families could not halt the project. Working in clubs of around 50 farmers each and supported by agricultural and water technicians, the farmers have been organised and trained in many fields in order to achieve not simply sustainability but also profitability. Among the activities have been the following:


• digging wells

• making rope pumps

• creating irrigation systems

• soil conservation

• use of manure

• intercropping

• tree grafting

• establishing nurseries

• vegetable production

• agro-business

• fruit propagation

• planting fruit trees and moringa trees

• building firewood saving stoves

• health and sanitation

• latrine building


While each of the activities has resulted in a series of positive consequences for the farmers and their families, simply working together and helping one another has also brought benefits to all participants. Securing access to water and reducing wastage have been key elements. Improving health and hygiene through the building of latrines and through disease awareness campaigns has also been basic. With health and water assured to a greater degree than before, the farmers have been able to concentrate on learning innovative and sustainable farming techniques, planting new and often better crops, cultivating fruit and vegetables rather than buying them or just doing without, looking after the environment by planting trees and living hedges and minimising the need for wood as fuel.


The project has just received funding for a second three year period from the Finnish Ministry of Foreign affairs and the number of members will be increased to 1,530 as the original members are joined by 500 new. The changes and improvements already achieved will be considerably extended. The knock on effect is also important. Taking fruit and vegetable production as one small example, as production increases and surplus is created, the farmers will be able to raise income by selling part of the harvest. Locally grown produce will inevitably be cheaper than imported, and nutritious fruit and vegetables need no longer be seen as a luxury among the local population. Diet-related illnesses can then be expected to be reduced.


An independent evaluation of the project has found the Farmers’ Club project to be widely accepted at all levels, from national authorities to the farmers themselves. The latter are enthusiastic, participative and committed to the idea of collective effort. The cross cutting approach of the project was also commented on, and is clearly pivotal to the success of the Farmers’ Club.


No one is in any doubt that rural development needs time. The continuation of the Farmers’ Club project will go a long way to reduce the wait.


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